
This software dates from 2004/5, so most of it was written before I started university. Please don’t judge me too harshly! Having said that, it still works.

A simple, web-based, media browser


BrowseM showing an album BrowseM provides a very basic but convenient and simple web interface for browsing your media (music, video) collection. It produces playlists of tracks stored in the same directory, shows cover art (from, for instance, CDs) and can be used as part of a media server. Files are stored on the server, and can be streamed from the server if your media player supports this.


Download, installation and configuration

Download the sources here: BrowseM.tgz, 31 KiB.

Installation for GNU users running Apache:

  1. You need a working Apache installation. See The Apache HTTP Server Project if you need help setting this up.
  2. Edit the Apache configuration file, usually /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or similar. Add these lines at the end of the file.
    	ServerName music
    	ServerAlias music.*
    	DocumentRoot /home/matt/music
    	<Location /browse>
    		SetHandler php5-script
    	<Directory /home/matt/music>
    		Order allow,deny
    		Allow from all
  3. Extract the program to the appropriate location. For instance:
    cd /home/matt/music/
    tar zxvf BrowseM.tgz
    ln -s __BrowseM/index.php __BrowseM/favicon.ico .
    ln -s __BrowseM/_BrowseM browse
  4. Go to http://localhost/ in a web browser.
Previous releases

All releases are licensed under the GPL.