9-man-morris.jpg - 2021:07:02 15:23:11 quarto-board-reverse.jpg - 2021:04:15 14:23:31 quarto-board.jpg - 2021:04:15 14:23:00 quarto-colours-1.jpg - 2021:07:02 13:55:15 quarto-colours-2.jpg - 2021:07:02 13:56:05 quarto-plaster.jpg - 2021:04:12 17:26:51 quarto-seams.jpg - 2021:04:15 14:22:09 quarto.jpg - 2021:04:15 14:20:41

Quarto Game – Plastique Edition by meisernator on Thingiverse.

The lower section of the pieces is filled with plaster of Paris, to add weight.

Prusa Mk3S: 0.2mm resolution, 0.4mm nozzle, Spectrum Premium Sapphire Blue Silk PLA, 3DE Premium Silky Rainbow PLA. Print time 17½ hours.