Moon lithophane lamp by moononournation on Thingiverse, combined with the adapter by Frank Deschner on Prusa Printers. I intend to use this as a pendant lamp, so the orientation when hung corresponds to the moon seen from roughly 55°N (Londonderry, Newcastle upon Tyne, Copenhagen, Moscow, Omsk, Novosibirsk). The light bulb used in the table lamp is a 400lm 2700K candle-shape bulb, and the photograph of the bedroom represents the result fairly well: a cosy light to see by, but not enough to read. There are two small flaws near the equator, possibly caused by a momentarily clogged extruder, or sub-par winding of the filament on the spool. Prusa Mk3S: 0.2mm resolution, 0.4mm nozzle, Devil Design White PLA. Print time 61 hours. 150mm Moon lithophane table lamp by Matt Blissett on Printables. Prusa Mk3S: 0.2mm resolution, 0.4mm nozzle, Devil Design White and Galaxy Blue PLA. Print time 28 hours. |