Flexi Rex and Flexi Triceratops with clip-on holiday hat and present box
2020:11:11 14:20:36

Flexi Rex and Flexi Triceratops with clip-on holiday hat and present box

Flexi Rex with stronger links by DrLex on GitHub.

Prusa Mk3S: 0.2mm resolution, 0.4mm nozzle, Amolen Tri Colour Changing PLA / Prusa Basic Silver PLA. Print time 8 hours.

Tri-Flex-atops by Harperbot on Thingiverse.

Prusa Mk3S: 0.2mm resolution, 0.4mm nozzle, Amolen Tri Colour Changing PLA / Devil Design Gold PLA. Print time 6 hours.

Flexi-Rex’s clip-on holiday hat by Keecat on Thingiverse.

Tri-Flex-atops’ present box by urgsmurmel on Thingiverse.

Prusa Mk3S: 0.2mm resolution, 0.4mm nozzle, Devil Design Red / White PLA.

This work by Matthew Blissett is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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