# My .zshrc file # # Written by Matthew Blissett. # # Latest version available from https://matt.blissett.me.uk/linux/zsh/zshrc # # Some of this is my own creation, other functions are taken from various # web sites or mailing lists, including: # - http://leahneukirchen.org/dotfiles/.zshrc # # Last updated 2024-06-11 # # Released into the public domain. # # Skip all this for non-interactive shells [[ -z "$PS1" ]] && return # Set prompt # Exit status indicator in red (if not 0) # Background job count in yellow (if not 0) # Date in white, host in magenta, directory in default, prompt character # Example: # 1J 23:06:26 ig:~ > PS1=$'%(?..%B%K{red}[%?]%K{def}%b )%(1j.%b%K{yel}%F{bla}%jJ%F{def}%K{def} .)%F{def}%B%*%b %F{mag}%m:%F{def}%~ %(!.#.>) %F{def}' # <------- exit status -------><------- background job count ----------><--- time -->-< host ->-<- dir ->-<------> <-----> # (See 'EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES' in zshmisc.) # Completion system autoload -Uz compinit compinit # Set less options if [[ -x $(which less 2> /dev/null) ]]; then export PAGER="less" export LESS="--ignore-case --LONG-PROMPT --QUIET --chop-long-lines -Sm --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --quit-if-one-screen --no-init" export LESSHISTFILE='-' if [[ -x $(which lesspipe 2> /dev/null) ]]; then LESSOPEN="| lesspipe %s" export LESSOPEN fi fi # Set default editor if [[ -x $(which emacs 2> /dev/null) ]]; then export EDITOR="emacs" export USE_EDITOR=$EDITOR export VISUAL=$EDITOR fi # FAQ 3.10: Why does zsh not work in an Emacs shell mode any more? # http://zsh.sourceforge.net/FAQ/zshfaq03.html#l26 [[ $EMACS = t ]] && unsetopt zle # Zsh settings for history HISTORY_IGNORE="(ls|[bf]g|exit|reset|clear|cd|cd ..|cd..)" HISTSIZE=25000 HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history SAVEHIST=100000 setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS setopt HIST_VERIFY # nf [-NUM] [COMMENTARY...] -- never forget last N commands nf() { local n=-1 [[ "$1" = -<-> ]] && n=$1 && shift fc -lnt ": %Y-%m-%d %H:%M ${*/\%/%%} ;" $n | tee -a .neverforget } # imgur - post image to imgur.com # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function # 01apr2016 +chris+ use api v3 imgur() { curl -H "Authorization: Client-ID 3e7a4deb7ac67da" -F image=@$1 \ https://api.imgur.com/3/upload | sed 's/.*http/http/; s/".*/\n/; s,\\/,/,g' } # sprunge FILES... - paste to sprunge.us # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function sprunge() { local f if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then cat "$@" else for f; do echo "## $f" cat "$f" echo done fi | curl -sF 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us | tr -d ' ' } #http://chneukirchen.org/dotfiles/.zshrc # Say how long a command took, if it took more than 30 seconds export REPORTTIME=120 # Update the prompt (i.e. the clock) before executing a command TRAPDEBUG() { case "$WIDGET" in zle-line-finish) zle reset-prompt ;; *) ;; esac } # Colour output on Mac OS export CLICOLOR=1 # Fix stupid SystemD non-standard colours export SYSTEMD_COLORS=16 # Zsh spelling correction options #setopt CORRECT #setopt DVORAK # Prompts for confirmation after 'rm *' etc # Helps avoid mistakes like 'rm * o' when 'rm *.o' was intended setopt RM_STAR_WAIT # Background processes aren't killed on exit of shell setopt AUTO_CONTINUE # Don’t write over existing files with >, use >! instead setopt NOCLOBBER # Don’t nice background processes setopt NO_BG_NICE # Watch other user login/out watch=notme export LOGCHECK=60 # Stop at / when deleting export WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>' # Enable color support of ls if [[ "$TERM" != "dumb" ]]; then if [[ -x `which dircolors 2> /dev/null` ]]; then eval `dircolors -b` if ls --color &> /dev/null; then alias 'ls=ls --color=auto' fi fi fi # Why is the date American even when the locale is en_GB? Choose ISO form anyway. export TIME_STYLE="long-iso" # Commas in ls, du, df output export BLOCK_SIZE="'1" # No quoting spaces in newer coreutils export QUOTING_STYLE=literal # Short command aliases alias 'l=ls' alias 'la=ls -A' alias 'll=ls -l' alias 'llh=ls -l --si' alias 'lq=ls -Q' alias 'lr=ls -R' alias 'lrs=ls -lrS' alias 'lrt=ls -lrt' alias 'lrta=ls -lrtA' alias 'lrth=ls -lrth --si' alias 'lrtha=ls -lrthA --si' alias 'j=jobs -l' alias 'kw=kwrite' alias 'tf=tail -F' alias 'grep=grep --colour --devices=skip --exclude-dir=.git' alias 'vnice=nice -n 20 ionice -c 3' alias 'get_iplayer=get_iplayer --nopurge' alias 'get-iplayer=get-iplayer --nopurge' alias "tree=tree -I 'CVS|.git|*~'" alias 'lo=z loffice' alias 'idea=z intellij-idea-community' alias 'synchist=fc -RI' # Useful KDE integration alias 'k=kate -u' # -u is reuse existing session if possible alias 'white=konsoleprofile colors=SolarizedLight' alias 'black=konsoleprofile colors=Linux' # These are useful with the Dvorak keyboard layout alias 'h=ls' alias 'ha=la' alias 'hh=ll' alias 'hhh=llh' alias 'hq=lq' alias 'hr=lr' alias 'hrt=lrt' alias 'hrs=lrs' # Play safe! alias 'rm=rm -i' alias 'mv=mv -i' alias 'cp=cp -i' # For Git alias 'gk=z gitk --all' alias 'gs=git status' # (NB overriding GhostScript) alias 'gd=git diff' alias 'gg=z git gui' alias 'git-stashpullpop=git stash && git pull --rebase && git stash pop' alias 'gl=git log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline --decorate' # For convenience alias 'aspell=aspell --dont-backup' alias 'mkdir=mkdir -p' alias 'cal=ncal -b' # Weeks start on Monday alias 'dmesg=dmesg --ctime' alias 'df=df --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=squashfs' alias 'd.=df -h . |sed 1d' alias 'dus=du -msc * .*(N) | sort -n' alias 'dus.=du -msc .* | sort -n' alias 'fcs=(for i in * .*(N); do echo $(find $i -type f | wc -l) "\t$i"; done) | sort -n' alias 'fcs.=(for i in .*; do echo $(find $i -type f | wc -l) "\t$i"; done) | sort -n' alias 'last=last -a' alias 'zap=clear; echo -en "\e[3J"' alias 'rmedir=rmdir -v **/*(/^F)' alias 'xmlindent=xmlindent -t -f -nbe' alias 'psqltsv=psql -X -t -A -F" "' alias 'qr=qrencode -t UTF8' # Typing errors... alias 'cd..= cd ..' # Global aliases (expand whatever their position) # e.g. find . E L alias -g :E='2> /dev/null' alias -g :C='| wc -l' alias -g :H='| head' alias -g :L='|& less' alias -g :S='| sort' alias -g :SN='| sort -n' alias -g :T='| tail' unglobalalias() { for i in ':E' ':C' ':H' ':L' ':S' ':SN' ':T'; unalias $i } # Log file viewing lastlogdir=logs alias taillast='tail -f $lastlogdir/*(om[1])' alias catlast='< $lastlogdir/*(om[1])' alias lesslast='less $lastlogdir/*(om[1])' # Build commands, etc alias gdoc='docker run --rm -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $PWD:/documents/ docker.gbif.org/asciidoctor-toolkit build' alias gdocfast='docker run --rm -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $PWD:/documents/ docker.gbif.org/asciidoctor-toolkit build --no-pdf --no-compress --no-git --no-spellcheck --no-translation' alias 'gdoc-continuous'='docker run --rm -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $PWD:/documents/ docker.gbif.org/asciidoctor-toolkit continuous' alias hp='docker run -e JEKYLL_ENV=development -e JEKYLL_UID=$(id -u) -e JEKYLL_GID=$(id -g) --rm --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" jekyll/jekyll:4.1.0 bash -c "gem sources --add https://repository.gbif.org/repository/rubygems.org/ && gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/ && bundle config mirror.https://rubygems.org https://repository.gbif.org/repository/rubygems.org && echo && echo && echo && echo BUILD STARTING: && jekyll build --unpublished --strict-front-matter"' # Quick TSV/CSV file formatting tsv() { if [[ -t 1 ]]; then column --separator $'\t' --table $* | less else column --separator $'\t' --table $* fi } tsvn() { dir=$(mktemp -d) mkfifo $dir/firstline cat $* | tee $dir/firstline | \ (seq -f '%g ' $(head -n 1 $dir/firstline | tr -dc '\t' | awk '{print length+1}') | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/ $/\n/'; \ cat) \ | tsv rm -Rf $dir } csv() { # csvtool if [[ -t 1 ]]; then csvtool readable $* | less else csvtool readable fi } # chop - limit lines to terminal size # 14jun2016 +chris+ chop() { cut -c-${COLUMNS:-80} } # SSH aliases alias 'sshb=ssh matt@uc.blissett.me.uk' alias 'sshstop=ssh -O stop' alias 'c3g=ssh mblissett@c3gateway-vh.gbif.org' alias 'c4g=ssh mblissett@c4gateway-vh.gbif.org' alias 'c5g=ssh mblissett@c5gateway-vh.gbif.org' # SSH to shell[1234].doc.ic.ac.uk at random sshdoc() { ssh mrb04@shell$(($RANDOM % 4 + 1)).doc.ic.ac.uk $* } # Remove a known host and its IP from the cache ssh-knownhosts-remove() { ssh-keygen -R $1 ssh-keygen -R $(dig $1 +short) ssh -O stop $1 &> /dev/null } ssh-knownhosts-remove-by-line() { echo "Not implemented" # sed -e '800d' | sponge...? } # Automatically background processes (no output to terminal etc) z () { grey='\e[1;30m' norm='\e[m' outfile=$(mktemp --tmpdir ${1//\//}.XXX) echo "$grey$* &> $outfile$norm" $* &>! $outfile &! } compdef z=sudo # Aliases to use this # Use e.g. 'command gv' to avoid for i in acroread akregator amarok ario audacity chromium darktable dolphin easytag eclipse \ firefox gimp gpdf gpsprune gv gwenview hugin inkscape kate kmag konqueror ktorrent kwrite \ libreoffice lobase localc lodraw loffice lomath loffice lowriter \ okular openscad prusa-gcodeviewer prusa-gcodeviewer-alpha prusa-gcodeviewer-xz prusa-slicer prusa-slicer-alpha \ qgis see skype skypeforlinux super-slicer thunderbird vlc; do alias "$i=z $i" done # Quick find f() { echo "find . -iname \"*$1*\"" find . -iname "*$1*" } # Quick regex history search zh() { pattern=^$(echo '(?=.*'${^@}')' | tr -d ' ') grep --text ~/.zsh_history --perl-regexp --regexp $pattern } # Remap Dvorak-Qwerty quickly alias 'aoeu=setxkbmap us -option' # (American keyboard layout, no special options) alias 'asdf=setxkbmap us dvorak -option compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' # Change between English and Danish english() { export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_GB:en } danish() { export LANG=da_DK.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=da_DK:da } # Bring emacs to foreground, or else edit last-modified file e() { if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then files=( **/*$1*(.) ) if [[ $#files = 1 ]]; then echo Selected $files[1] emacs $files[1] else echo Matched multiple files: echo $files fi else jobs emacs && fg emacs || emacs *(.om[1]^D) fi } # Change terminal title title() { echo -ne "\033]30;$*\007" } # Update config files (master copies stored on server) alias pull-config='(cd ~/.matt-config; git --git-dir=$HOME/.matt-config/.git pull --rebase && . ~/.zshrc)' pull-config-regularly() { if [[ -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]]; then if after 1 day $HOME/.pull-config-regularly; then echo "Pulling config" pushd ~/.matt-config git pull --rebase popd touch $HOME/.pull-config-regularly fi fi } pull-config-regularly # Check dot-files are up-to-date ~/.matt-config/make-links # Named directories hash -d config=$HOME/.matt-config hash -d bin=$HOME/.matt-config/bin hash -d log=/var/log # mkcd -- mkdir and cd at once mkcd() { mkdir -p -- "$1" && cd -- "$1" } compdef mkcd=mkdir # When directory is changed set xterm title to host:dir chpwd() { [[ -t 1 ]] || return case $TERM in sun-cmd) print -Pn "\e]l%~\e\\";; *xterm*|rxvt|(dt|k|E)term) print -Pn "\e]2;%m:%~\a";; esac } # For changing the umask automatically chpwd () { case $PWD in $HOME/[Dd]ocuments*) if [[ $(umask) -ne 077 ]]; then umask 0077 echo >&2 -e "\033[01;32mumask: private \033[m" fi;; /nothing) if [[ $(umask) -ne 072 ]]; then umask 0072 echo >&2 -e "\033[01;33mumask: other readable \033[m" fi;; /nothing) if [[ $(umask) -ne 002 ]]; then umask 0002 echo >&2 -e "\033[01;35mumask: group writable \033[m" fi;; *) if [[ $(umask) -ne 022 ]]; then umask 0022 echo >&2 -e "\033[01;31mumask: world readable \033[m" fi;; esac } cd . &> /dev/null for d in ~/GBIF/Workspace ~/Workspace; do if [[ -d $d ]]; then cdpath=( $d $d/gbif-documents ) export cdpath hash -d Workspace=$d # Used below for hostname completion workspace=$d fi done # For quickly plotting data with gnuplot. Arguments are files for 'plot "" with lines'. plot () { echo -n '(echo set term png; ' echo -n 'echo -n plot \"'$1'\" with lines; ' for i in $*[2,$#@]; echo -n 'echo -n , \"'$i'\" with lines; ' echo 'echo ) | gnuplot | display png:-' ( echo "set term png" echo -n plot \"$1\" with lines for i in $*[2,$#@]; echo -n "," \"$i\" "with lines" ) | gnuplot | display png:- } # Persistant gnuplot (can be resized etc) plotp () { echo -n '(echo -n plot \"'$1'\" with lines; ' for i in $*[2,$#@]; echo -n 'echo -n , \"'$i'\" with lines; ' echo 'echo ) | gnuplot -persist' ( echo -n plot \"$1\" with lines for i in $*[2,$#@]; echo -n "," \"$i\" "with lines" echo ) | gnuplot -persist } # scatterplot () { echo -n '(echo set term png; ' echo -n 'echo -n plot \"'$1'\" with points; ' for i in $*[2,$#@]; echo -n 'echo -n , \"'$i'\" with points; ' echo 'echo ) | gnuplot | display png:-' ( echo "set term png" echo -n plot \"$1\" with points for i in $*[2,$#@]; echo -n "," \"$i\" "with points" ) | gnuplot | display png:- } # CD into random directory in PWD cdrand () { all=( *(/) ) rand=$(( 1 + $RANDOM % $#all )) cd $all[$rand] } # up [|N|pat] -- go up 1, N or until basename matches pat many directories # just output directory when not used interactively, e.g. in backticks # 06sep2013 +chris+ # 11oct2017 +leah+ add completion up() { local op=print [[ -t 1 ]] && op=cd case "$1" in '') up 1 ;; -*|+*) $op ~$1 ;; <->) $op $(printf '../%.0s' {1..$1}) ;; *) local -a seg; seg=(${(s:/:)PWD%/*}) local n=${(j:/:)seg[1,(I)$1*]} if [[ -n $n ]]; then $op /$n else print -u2 up: could not find prefix $1 in $PWD return 1 fi esac } _up() { compadd -V segments -- ${(Oas:/:)PWD} } compdef _up up alias up=' up' # Rotate a jpeg, losslessly #jrotate-r () { # for i in $*; do # exiftran -9 -b -i $i # done #} # Calculate the difference in whole days between two dates, ignoring timezone changes datediff () { echo $(( ($(date -u -d $1 +%s) - $(date -u -d $2 +%s)) / 86400)) } # Close Amarok and shut down bedtime-awake () { sleep ${1}m qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player StopAfterCurrent > /dev/null t=-10 while [[ $t -lt 600 ]] && \ qdbus --literal org.kde.amarok /Player GetStatus > /dev/null && \ qdbus --literal org.kde.amarok /Player GetStatus | grep -vq 2 do ((t = t+10)) echo -n "\rWaited" $t "seconds" sleep 10; done echo "\rQuitting" qdbus org.kde.amarok / Quit qdbus org.ktorrent.ktorrent /MainApplication quit &> /dev/null } bedtime () { bedtime-awake ${1} sudo shutdown -h 1 } untilquit () { while c=$(pgrep -c -x ${1}); do echo -n "\r${c} ${1} processes remaining." && sleep 2; done; echo; } untilquitsudo () { while c=$(pgrep -c -x ${1}); do echo -n "\r${c} ${1} processes remaining." && sleep 2; sudo -v; done; echo; } untilquitpid () { while kill -0 ${1} &> /dev/null; do echo -n "\rProcess with PID ${1} is still running." && sleep 2; done; echo; } untilquitmatch () { while c=$(pgrep -c -f ${*}); do echo -n "\r${c} ${1} matching processes remaining." && sleep 2; done; echo; } # Quote and separate by commas a list of strings. # Accepts shell arguments then newline-separated arguments on standard input. quote () { echo -n "(" had_args= for arg in $*; do if [[ -n $had_args ]]; then echo -n ", " fi echo -n "'$arg'" had_args=1 done if [[ -z $had_args ]]; then while IFS='\n' read arg; do if [[ -n $had_args ]]; then echo -n ", " fi echo -n "'"${${arg## }%% }"'" had_args=1 done fi echo ")" #echo ${(qq)*} } function best() { local i for i in $*; do if [[ -f $i ]]; then ls $i touch $i.best fi if [[ -f $i.jpeg ]]; then touch $i.jpeg.best elif [[ -f $i.jpg ]]; then touch $i.jpg.best fi done ls ${^*:r}.* } function ignore() { local i for i in $*; do if [[ -f $i ]]; then touch $i.ignore fi if [[ -f $i.jpeg ]]; then touch $i.jpeg.ignore fi if [[ -f $i.jpg ]]; then touch $i.jpg.ignore fi if [[ -f $i.JPG ]]; then touch $i.JPG.ignore fi done ls ${^*:r}.* } function pano() { local i for i in $*; do if [[ ! $i =~ ".*-.*\.jp?g" ]]; then echo "Not a panorama $i (use image)" >&2 return 1 fi ignore ${(s/-/)i:r} if [[ $i =~ ".jpg" ]]; then mv $i $i:r.jpeg fi done ls ${^*:r}.* } function sound() { f=$1:r space=' ' cat >! $f.jpg.comment < EOF $EDITOR +1:8 $f.jpg.comment [[ -e $f.jpg.comment~ ]] && rm -f $f.jpg.comment~ touch $f.ogg.ignore $f.mp3.ignore $f.flac.ignore ls $f.* } function comment() { f=$1:r space=' ' cat >! $f.jpg.comment <

EOF $EDITOR +1:8 $f.jpg.comment [[ -e $f.jpg.comment~ ]] && rm -f $f.jpg.comment~ ls $f.* } # MySQL prompt export MYSQL_PS1="\R:\m:\s \h.\d> " # export MAVEN_OPTS="-DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true $MAVEN_OPTS" # Print some stuff date +%c #if [[ -x `which fortune 2> /dev/null` ]]; then # echo # fortune -a 2> /dev/null #fi # The following lines were added by compinstall #zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _match zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d' zstyle ':completion:*' glob 0 zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '+m:{a-z}={A-Z} r:|[._-]=** r:|=**' '' '' '+m:{a-z}={A-Z} r:|[._-]=** r:|=**' zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 1 numeric zstyle ':completion:*' substitute 0 zstyle :compinstall filename "$HOME/.zshrc" # End of lines added by compinstall # Completers for my own scripts zstyle ':completion:*:*:(album-cover|copy-geotag):*' file-patterns '*.(#i)(jp*g|png|tif*)' zstyle ':completion:*:*:photo-sort:*' file-patterns '*(/)' zstyle ':completion:*:*:photo-sort:*' file-sort time compdef untilquit=pkill # Don't complete backup files as commands. zstyle ':completion:*:complete:-command-::*' ignored-patterns '*\~' # Username completion. # Delete old definitions zstyle -d users # For SSH and Rsync, use remote users set in SSH configuration, plus root zstyle ':completion:*:*:(scp|ssh|rsync):*' users root $(awk '$1 == "User" { print $2 }' ~/.ssh/config | sort -u) # For everything else, use non-system users from /etc/passwd, plus root zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*' users root $(awk -F: '$3 > 1000 && $3 < 65000 { print $1 }' /etc/passwd) # Hostname completion for i in $workspace/Ansible/inventories/*/hosts; do if [[ ! -e $HOME/.hosts-ansible-$i:h:t ]] || [[ $i -nt $HOME/.hosts-ansible-$i:h:t ]]; then eval echo $(cut -d ' ' -f 1 $i | grep -v -e '=' -e '^#' | grep -h '\.' | sort -u | sed 's/:/../; s/\[/{/; s/\]/}/') \ | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u >! $HOME/.hosts-ansible-$i:h:t grep --quiet org$ $HOME/.hosts-ansible-$i:h:t || yq -r '.[] | select(has("hosts")).hosts | keys.[]' < $i \ | sort -u >! $HOME/.hosts-ansible-$i:h:t fi done zstyle ':completion:*' hosts $( grep -h '\.' $HOME/.hosts* ) # URL completion. Use URLs from history. zstyle -e ':completion:*:*:urls' urls 'reply=( ${${(f)"$(egrep --only-matching \(ftp\|https\?\)://\[A-Za-z0-9\].\* $HISTFILE)"}%%[# ]*} )' # Quote stuff that looks like URLs automatically. #autoload -U url-quote-magic #zstyle ':urlglobber' url-other-schema ftp git gopher http https magnet #zstyle ':url-quote-magic:*' url-metas '*?[]^(|)~#=' #zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic # File/directory completion, for cd command #zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' ignored-patterns '(*/)#lost+found' '(*/)#CVS' # and for all commands taking file arguments #zstyle ':completion:*:(all-|)files' ignored-patterns '(|*/)CVS' # Prevent offering a file (process, etc) that's already in the command line. zstyle ':completion:*:(diff|cmp|cp|emacs|kill|rm|scp):*' ignore-line yes # (Use Alt-Comma to do something like "mv abcd.efg abcd.efg.old") # Completion selection by menu for kill zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes select zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' force-list always zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' command 'ps -u $USER -o pid,%cpu,tty,cputime,cmd' zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#)*=0=01;31' # Filename suffixes to ignore during completion (except after rm command) # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/693084/how-can-i-make-zsh-globbing-ignore-files-like-ds-store zstyle ':completion::complete:*:*:files' ignored-patterns '*.o' '*.old' '*.bak' '*.retry' '*~' zstyle ':completion::complete:*:*:globbed-files' ignored-patterns '*.o' '*.old' '*.bak' '*.retry' '*~' zstyle ':completion::complete:rm:*:globbed-files' ignored-patterns zstyle ':completion::complete:emacs:*:globbed-files' ignored-patterns '*.o' '*.old' '*.bak' '*.retry' '*~' '*.asis' zstyle '*' single-ignored show # Finenames to prefer/limit during completion zstyle ':completion:*:*:loffice:*' file-patterns '*.(doc|docx|dot|dotx|xls|xlsx|xlt|xltx|odt|ods|csv|tsv|txt):documents *(-/):directories' '%p:all-files' zstyle ':completion:*:*:rmdir:*' file-sort time #[[ -d /web/matt.blissett.me.uk]] && zstyle ':completion:*' local matt.blissett.me.uk /web/matt.blissett.me.uk # CD to never select parent directory zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' ignore-parents parent pwd ## Use cache # Some functions, like _apt and _dpkg, are very slow. You can use a cache in # order to proxy the list of results (like the list of available debian # packages) zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache # Quick ../../.. from https://github.com/blueyed/oh-my-zsh resolve-alias() { # Recursively resolve aliases and echo the command. typeset -a cmd cmd=(${(z)1}) while (( ${+aliases[$cmd[1]]} )) \ && [[ ${aliases[$cmd[1]]} != $cmd ]]; do cmd=(${(z)aliases[${cmd[1]}]}) done echo $cmd } rationalise-dot() { # Auto-expand "..." to "../..", "...." to "../../.." etc. # It skips certain commands (git, tig, p4). # # resolve-alias is defined in a separate function. local MATCH # keep the regex match from leaking to the environment. # Skip pasted text. if (( PENDING > 0 )); then zle self-insert return fi if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '(^|/| | |'$'\n''|\||;|&)\.\.$' ]] \ && ! [[ $(resolve-alias $LBUFFER) =~ '(git|tig|p4)' ]]; then LBUFFER+=/ zle self-insert zle self-insert else zle self-insert fi } zle -N rationalise-dot bindkey . rationalise-dot bindkey -M isearch . self-insert 2>/dev/null autoload zsh/sched # Copys word from earlier in the current command line # or previous line if it was chosen with ^[. etc autoload copy-earlier-word zle -N copy-earlier-word bindkey '^[,' copy-earlier-word # Cycle between positions for ambigous completions autoload cycle-completion-positions zle -N cycle-completion-positions bindkey '^[z' cycle-completion-positions # Increment integer argument autoload incarg zle -N incarg bindkey '^X+' incarg # Write globbed files into command line autoload insert-files zle -N insert-files bindkey '^Xf' insert-files # Play tetris #autoload -U tetris #zle -N tetris #bindkey '^X^T' tetris # xargs but zargs autoload -U zargs # Calculator autoload zcalc # Line editor autoload zed # Renaming with globbing autoload zmv # Add Git functions if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]; then true # SSH connection else if [[ -d ~/.matt-config/git-prompt ]]; then source ~/.matt-config/git-prompt/git-prompt.zsh ZSH_GIT_PROMPT_FORCE_BLANK=1 ZSH_GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_UPSTREAM="full" ZSH_GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_STASH=1 ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="%B · %b" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SEPARATOR=" " #ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_BRANCH="⎇ %{$fg_bold[cyan]%}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_BRANCH="%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UPSTREAM_SYMBOL="%{$fg_bold[yellow]%}⟳ " ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UPSTREAM_PREFIX="%{$fg[yellow]%}→" #⤳" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UPSTREAM_SUFFIX="" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DETACHED="%{$fg_no_bold[cyan]%}:" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_BEHIND="%{$fg_no_bold[cyan]%}↓" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_AHEAD="%{$fg_no_bold[cyan]%}↑" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNMERGED="%{$fg[red]%}✖" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_STAGED="%{$fg[green]%}●" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNSTAGED="%{$fg[red]%}✚" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNTRACKED="…" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_STASHED="%{$fg[blue]%}⚑" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_CLEAN="%{$fg_bold[green]%}✔" RPROMPT='$(gitprompt)' fi fi # Git completion, retrieved from https://git.kernel.org/cgit/git/git.git/tree/contrib/completion/git-completion.zsh if [[ -f ~/.matt-config/git-completion.zsh ]]; then fpath=(~/.matt-config/git-completion.zsh $fpath) fi # PRLL, for parallel shell processing if [[ -e ~/.matt-config/prll/prll.sh ]]; then source ~/.matt-config/prll/prll.sh fi # Various reminders of things I forget... # (Mostly useful features that I forget to use) # vared # =ls turns to /bin/ls # =(ls) turns to filename (which contains output of ls) # <(ls) turns to named pipe # ^X* expand word # ^[^_ copy prev word # ^[A accept and hold # echo $name:r not-extension # echo $name:e extension # echo $xx:l lowercase # echo $name:s/foo/bar/ # Quote current line: M-' # Quote region: M-" # Up-case-word: M-u # Down-case-word: M-l # Capitilise word: M-c # kill-region # expand word: ^X* # accept-and-hold: M-a # accept-line-and-down-history: ^O # execute-named-cmd: M-x # push-line: ^Q # run-help: M-h # spelling correction: M-s # echo ${^~path}/*mous* # Add host/domain specific zshrc domainname() { setopt extended_glob local_options hostname -d 2> /dev/null || echo ${$(hostname -f)#[a-z0-9-]##\.} } if [ -f $HOME/.zshrc-$(domainname) ] then . $HOME/.zshrc-$(domainname) fi if [ -f $HOME/.zshrc-$HOST ] then . $HOME/.zshrc-$HOST fi if [ -f $HOME/.zshrc-$(hostname -f) ] then . $HOME/.zshrc-$(hostname -f) fi